The Enclosure Exploders* are a group of bandits and vagabonds who sneak into temporalities to facilitate the explosion of constricted land. You, the players, are two such Enclosure Exploders…
Dwelling in the subterrain you’ve had your hands full of soil and change in equal measures in just about 888 temporalities and scales... but... you’ve got your work cut out this time..

You were pulled in from your previous temporality on account of some destructive human activity around about the turn of the second christian millenium, give or take a few hundred human years. A strange control of the land that is thought to be for some type ‘a ritual or ceremony...

Vast swathes of land that was once full of lives, surrounded by a cast iron fence and shaved from edge to edge like a sheeps coat in high spring and then reshapen into smooth domes and sand dunes.

A few tiny ‘oles are dug into this barren landscape... hardly deep enough, even, to break the surface. We’ve caught wind from the supersurface that a particular group of stripy shirted humans traipse across this land and place tiny homogenous spheroid ceramics into the holes for the briefest of seconds. In the same order every time.

I know what you’re thinking... and we thought so too at first: an extrascalular messaging system... and a rudimentary one at best. Well back at BQ we’ve looked into it and… my oh my... it turns out we’ve never in all of our fullness seen such arrangements!The activity seems to be uni-special and isolated to a particular group of humans at that. Now Since no one is allowed on the land we safely presume this activity is in reverance of some sorta human deity...so beware...

This is the story of how you, the moles mowelle and nobio, or the fungi Caiphee and laittee, changed this golf ritual into something much richer...

*Translation note: This is closest we could get to translating their name to english, limited as english is with its vocabulary of enclosure. It sounds quite different in else-eras and else-times. Something like ‘Enclosure Explourishers” mighta done better… but that word hasn’t come to english yet…